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Bend the Knee: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast

Podcast Bend the Knee: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast
Game of Thrones
Bend the knee and join us each week as we re-read the epic fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Each episode will contain a small coun...

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  • Ep. 193: - Arya IXI | A Storm of Swords
    Arya attempts to kill the Hound at night while the man is asleep, but he awakens and takes the rock from her hands. They reach Lord Harroway's Town, but find it flooded. Sandor promises to pay some ferrymen to take them across the Trident, but gives them only the parchment Lord Beric had given him promising reimbursement after the war. Arya tells Sandor that she had once been captured by his brother, and the Hound finds it amusing that Gregor never knew who he had caught. Clegane says, "I’ll be sure and tell him that, before I cut his heart out." She asks why he would kill his brother and the Hound asks didn't she ever want to kill a brother or sister? He realizes from Arya’s expression that the "wolf bitch" hates the "pretty bird"--Arya and her sister don't get along. Sandor admits that maybe he is a monster for killing so many but also tells her that he saved Sansa’s life when the mob tried to kill her. The Hound informs her that he is taking her to the Twins, and will ransom her to Robb and perhaps join the Young Wolf’s service, because "even a dog gets tired of being kicked."Follow Jimmy:'s Linktree: reread will continue! Join the discussion:***BTK UPDATES*** Subscribe to our YouTube Page: you'd like to support the show, gain access to additional WESTEROS content, or LISTEN LIVE then hit us up at Patreon: [email protected] Support the show: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
  • Ep. 192: - Samwell III | A Storm of Swords
    Sam and Gilly have reached what appears to be Whitetree. When Sam studies the carved face of the Heart Tree for a moment, he admits to himself that it is not the face he and his brothers saw when they started out on the ranging. Nor does he remember its red eyes weeping blood (sap). Sam prays earnestly to the old godsto protect them. He and Gilly camp in one of the wildling huts for the night, but Sam is woken by shapes moving within. The corpse of Small Paul comes after Sam, and he tries to stab it with the obsidian dagger, but it shatters upon contact with Paul’s chainmail. Despairing, Sam thrusts a burning stick from the campfire in the wight’s mouth, setting it on fire. Outside the hut, the wights begin to surround Gilly and her infant son after killing their horse. Thinking all is lost, a raven lands on Sam’s shoulder, and suddenly thousands of ravens fly from the branches of the weirwood tree to tear the wights to pieces. The raven perching on Sam's shoulder speaks, telling him to go, and he and Gilly begin to run south, but without their horse they fear they'll be overtaken by wights. Suddenly a voice calls out, "Brother! Here." From the falling snow appears a man dressed all in black astride a great elk. When Sam reaches up for the man’s bare hand, Sam notices his hand is black and cold as ice.Follow Jimmy:'s Linktree: reread will continue! Join the discussion:***BTK UPDATES*** Subscribe to our YouTube Page: you'd like to support the show, gain access to additional WESTEROS content, or LISTEN LIVE then hit us up at Patreon: [email protected] Support the show: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
  • Ep. 191: - Catelyn V | A Storm of Swords
    Traveling in the rain to the Twins for the wedding of Lord Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey, Catelyn recalls Robb sending Ser Rolph Spicer to deliver Martyn Lannister to the Golden Tooth in an exchange of captives, with Robett Glover put on a ship at Duskendale as part of the agreement. Robb left his wife Jeyne at Riverrun, and only Ser Raynald Westerling travels with them. Robb has brought 3,500 men with him, those who have been with him since the battle in the Whispering Wood, and who will follow him to Moat Cailin after the wedding. While passing through the site of the battle, Catelyn thinks of Theon Greyjoy boasting he had almost crossed swords with Ser Jaime and how much ill would have been undone if Theon had died in place of Lord Karstark's sons.When they reach Oldstones, Cat recalls that the ruins were once a great castle of the Kings of the Rivers and the Hillsduring the Mudd dynasty. The Mudds were First Men, but during the time of King Tristifer IV, the kingdoms of the First Men were falling during the coming of the Andals. Tristifer IV died when seven Andal kings joined forces against him. Robb tells his mother that he plans to legitimize his brother Jon and name him heir should he and Jeyne not have a child. Catelyn is stunned by this proclamation, and pleads with him not to make the mistake the Targaryens made when King Aegon IV Targaryen legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed. The Blackfyre Pretenders plagued the Targaryens for five generations until Ser Barristan Selmy slew Maelys Blackfyre on the Stepstones. They both fear that Sansa will give the Imp a son and thus control of Winterfell and agree that must be prevented. She pleads that Robb consider naming his sister Arya as heir, but Robb insists that no one has seen Arya since his father Eddard's death and that his sister is likely also dead. Catelyn tells Robb that she cannot support his choice of Jon but Robb reminds her that he does not have to ask for her support, stating his reason as, "I'm the king."Lord Jason Mallister soon joins Robb's force at Hag's Mire, bringing with him the captain of the Myraham. The captain tells them that King Balon Greyjoy fell to his death when a wind blew him off one of the bridges between the towers of Pyke, and no sooner was he dead than Euron Crow's Eyereturned to claim the Seastone Chair. Lord Botley was drowned when he objected to Euron.Knowing Victarion and Asha will not stand for Euron's actions, Robb commands Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover to sail through the marshes of the Neck on Mallister longships to seek out Howland Reed at Greywater Watch. After he is joined by Roose Bolton at the Twins and Edmure's wedding is done, Robb plans to march on Moat Cailin with 12,000 men. Howland's crannogmen will guide a small force under Robb's command across the swamps in order to reach Moat Cailin from the north. When Galbart warns him what should happen if the crannogmen were to fail him, Robb replies, "They will not fail. My father knew the worth of Howland Reed." Robb then announces that Catelyn will be taken to Seagard under the protection of Jason after the wedding. King Robb then calls his bannermen to fix their seals as witnesses to the decree naming his heir.Follow Jimmy:'s Linktree: reread will continue! Join the discussion:***BTK UPDATES*** Subscribe to our YouTube Page: you'd like to support the show, gain access to additional WESTEROS content, or LISTEN LIVE then hit us up at Patreon: [email protected] Support the show: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
  • Ep. 190: - Jaime VI | A Storm of Swords
    Roose Bolton has left Harrenhal to the Goat, but before marching for the Twins he told Jaime to give his warm regards to his father. Jaime responds, "So long as you give mine to Robb Stark."Jaime is now traveling for King's Landing under the protection of Steelshanks Walton and a host of Dreadfort men. Qyburn tells him that Lord Selwyn has promised Vargo Hoat 300 gold dragons for the safe return of his daughter, but the goat wants more as he still believes there are sapphires in Evenfall Hall. One night, Jaime has a bizarre fever dream that he and Brienne are trapped in the dank caverns beneath Casterly Rock. He sees the shades of the other knights of the Kingsguard as well as Prince Rhaegar, come to judge him for killing Aerys. After the fire of his sword goes out, Brienne’s continues to burn, defending him from the shades.When Jaime awakens, he commands Walton to return to Harrenhal saying that he "forgot something". Back at Harrenhal, the goat’s men open the gates, and Jaime finds that Brienne has been tossed into the bear pit with only a tourney sword. Vargo Hoat, with a bandage around his face from where Brienne bit off his ear, will not pull the woman up. Jaime jumps into the pit to save Brienne, and holds off the bear long enough for Walton’s men to fill it with quarrels. The Mummers are unable to stop them because Steelshanks' escort of 200 men outnumbers them two to one. Vargo asks Jaime to tell his father that he had been merciful, and the Kingslayer promises that the goat will receive his ransom. When Brienne asks him why he came back, Jaime responds that he had dreamed of her.Follow Jimmy:'s Linktree: reread will continue! Join the discussion:***BTK UPDATES*** Subscribe to our YouTube Page: you'd like to support the show, gain access to additional WESTEROS content, or LISTEN LIVE then hit us up at Patreon: [email protected] Support the show: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
  • Ep. 189: - Arya VIII | A Storm of Swords
    Gendry mentions that Master Mottconsidered Thoros a false priest, and Thoros agrees. He was sent to the Seven Kingdoms to bring word of R'hllor, but he spent his time eating and whoring. King Robert was fond of him, and many enjoyed the sight of his flaming sword in melees. Lord Bericsilences Thoros by saying, "Fire consumes. It consumes, and when it is done there is nothing left. Nothing." The outlaws reach High Heart again, and the ancient dwarf woman calls Beric the Lord of Corpses, for the stink of the grave is fresh on him. The ghost of High Heart tells them her dreams: the kraken king is dead, and Lord Hoster too; the goat sits alone in the hall of kings in a fever "as the great dog descends on him"; she dreamt of drums and pipes and screams making a great clangor; and "of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow." Suddenly, she spots Arya, and calls her "blood child" and "dark heart", bidding her to leave. When Beric explains to the old dwarf woman that Arya is being brought to Riverrun, she tells them to seek her mother at the Twins, for there is to be a wedding. She then demands a song as payment for her dreams, the same song she always requests from Tom; Jenny of Oldstones.Later, Arya speaks with Edric Dayne, who is called Ned like her father. Edric tells her that he saw her father during the Hand's tourney while he squired for Lord Beric. He reveals that Beric was promised to his aunt, “but that was before he died”, Arya thinks to herself. Ned tells her of Wylla, his wet nurse, who he says is the mother of Jon Snow. She has been in the service of the Daynes for years, and Ned is surprised that Arya’s father never spoke of her nor of Ashara, Ned’s aunt. He tells Arya that her father and Ashara fell in love during the tourney at Harrenhal, and that she killed herself after the war because her heart was broken. Arya does not believe the young Lord of Starfall, believing her father only loved her mother. She asks Harwin about it, and he confirms that Eddard and Ashara may have fallen in love at Harrenhal, but at that time his brother Brandon was betrothed to Catelyn. He claims that Ashara killed herself over grief for her brother, and tells Arya "Let it lie, my lady. They’re dead, all of them."When the outlaws come upon a ruined village, Arya thinks the Lannisters destroyed it, but she is told that the village was destroyed years before by Hoster Tully, because Lord Goodbrook, the lord of the village, had fought for the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion. Later, Thoros sees in his flames that Riverrun will soon come under attack by the Lannisters again, and he believes the ghost’s dream that Catelyn and Robb are at the Twins. That night, Arya sneaks off while everyone else is asleep, feeling that the outlaws cannot be her pack if they want to ransom her off to her brother, mother, or uncle Brynden. However, she is captured by the Hound while racing through the woods.Follow Jimmy:'s Linktree: reread will continue! Join the discussion:***BTK UPDATES*** Subscribe to our YouTube Page: you'd like to support the show, gain access to additional WESTEROS content, or LISTEN LIVE then hit us up at Patreon: [email protected] Support the show: Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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Über Bend the Knee: A Song of Ice and Fire Podcast

Bend the knee and join us each week as we re-read the epic fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Each episode will contain a small council meeting for updates on the HBO show, House of the Dragon, Winds of Winter, and GRR’s ‘Not a Blog’. We also include a short history lesson from A World of Ice and Fire. Finally, we take an in-depth look at each chapter of the series. This is a book club without banners, all are welcome to join! Night gathers, and now our read begins …

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